I like a cocktail from time-to-time but I don’t like them if they’re too ‘grown up’, meaning I don’t like them if they’re too strong so this is my version of a chocolate martini.
100ml Irish cream liqueur (I use Bailey’s)
100ml chocolate milk (I use ordinary milk if I don’t have chocolate milk)
2 Déise Delights, grated (contains alcohol)
Pour the Irish cream liqueur into a glass
Pour in the milk
Sprinkle the grated Déise Delights on top
Sip, savour and enjoy; simple!
Don’t worry if you don’t have a martini glass however I think that you will enjoy this more if it’s in a fancy glass. I know I do!
I really love this cocktail because it’s basically a milkshake for adults. There’s no need for a cocktail shaker and you get a chocolate hit with a shot of alcohol and the milk is better for you compared to a cocktail made with syrups and fizzy drinks.
Order your Déise Delights here.